i aM nOBoDy

....until we stand UP and speak OUT for ourselves and each other!

Narcissism: From Shared Fantasy to Self-Reality

Our blog aims to illuminate the path to navigate and share vital information to  overcome the slippery slope fine line between Fantasy and Reality in every facet of life in Narcville USA, shedding light on the often misunderstood aspects of narcissistic behaviors and their impact on our daily lives.

We can't change what we don't acknowledge and most of us are in denial about something. I know i am about something all the time! 

What would you do if you were not afraid? That's what I ask myself when I'm most afraid. Of what? I's say, currently, I'm mostly afraid of people who have separate agendas and goals that don't match their actions.

The reversing of the truth to confuse the recipient is very disorienting. It can make a person physically ill.

There has been a very long ongoing frightening situation with our labor force in America. Our People give away their power that they often don't realize they even have.

Why does the younger generation, whatever their technical age group is, hand over their power to unlawful employers acting against their interest and taking advantage of their naiveté? 

Did you know that the majority ot entry level jobs have no place to go to report discrepancies or mistreatment if you are really good at your job but you speak out, the fear of retaliation is greater now than ever before, even before the rights by the Constitution were in place for fairness and justice when a nefarious actor is looming and ready to pounce.

The EEOC is a federal agency (Statr AG is it's mini-me and not nearly as difficult to win) paid for by taxpayer funds, to help those who need an investigation, but only if you can prove that you have a case first? Yes, just like trying to get the police to find the guy that ran you off the road and you had rhe wherewithal to get the license plate. They simply won't go after them. Too busy, I suppose?

If there is no money involved, why would it take so much money to be awarded money if you win? It's ALOT OF WORK, that's why and you have to convince the attorney, if you are pro se, your own attorney, that you have a case before pouring so much time for nothing if the case is too weak.

The EEO Investigators do a good job, but they lack empathy for the victims of unlawful activity unless you can prove your prima facie case and most younger workers don't have any comparison to realize they are being harmed. 

The description of workplace abuse isn't called "abuse", in these cases, it's called Discrimination or Harassment and Retaliation. In real life, it's just abuse.

Why cant we just call things what they are? Why do we have to say "allegedly" when if course it's only a charge until investigated and proven so a panel of jurors can decide. Cases rarely get that far. Most are not worth the time to consider such a time consuming venture.

Why can't we say something that us against the law is illegal? We have to say "unlawful". 

People who have been there know it's all the same as the 7 Phases of Narcissism which is called "Narcissistic Abuse" for good reason. It is, unlike other forms of abuse, it is very different and has much longer term effects if endured for any length of time. It requires detox and a new or re-wired brain. Only once 💯out for a good long while,  do we see in hindsight the misery we used to look forward to being caught up in. It'd always in hindsight, so what are we told? Look forward and not back. Wouldn't that be nice to stand up for ourselves and others without looking back? That's also what the abusers tell us when trying to get us back. Everything in the be Future will be better, just don't dwell on the past.

Anytime I hear that, I think, 'But the past is where all the evidence and dead bodies to prove it are?'

It goes undetected because of the Intermittent Reinforcement tactics used that really are the same as a dopamine drip in real life. Fantasy is where they want us and our job against those tactics is to STAY IN REALITY at all.costs. Unless you can afford to just leave.

Once we get wooed and addicted to the wooing, or sometimes to the money, it's game over.  The younger generation, working teens (which im nit as in favir of as i was when i was a teen ir when my kids were teens, only because the age to stay working is longer than ever, by the time the Boomers are done retiring, not their fault the country makes changes for the largest forerunners if society, I mean, they put Pampers on the map) to 30's, have the least to compare to in reality, versus their very small fantasy if that they think they know already after having lone a blip in tbe scheme of things.

So, they are the most harmed. Or are the older more disadvantaged? The law says the older are the ones who need protecting, I say its both just in different ways. Mist will say their age needs the most protection in tve workplace under the law.

I think it's time to change tvose old laws and get up to speed with this TECH WORLD we live inood thinĝ they don't know it yet. Nor do most people in, and how about aome laws for wirk from home folks? It's been a fww yrars and most wrre some form of Work From Home, or Work At Home, either way, like illegal or unlawful, its all tthe same in reality over fantasy anyway.

I haven't aeen too many up in arms about about the combined cumulative affects of such covert abuse, which is so odd since we are all in this together. 

It's that initial gaining of the trust and overly praising the smallest of achievements yhat becomes so addictive.

Then there is the overly critical next phase, in Narcissistic Abuse phase this would be called the Devaluation phase. This means you are already gone. The law doesn't see it that way because the law hasnt changed since 1964! There has been a lot happened since then, right? Ummm......cyberbullying and stolen identities to name a couple little doozies.

Why do you suppose the laws have barely moved a fraction of an inch? They haven't been in favor of the workers since the 70's when America discovered credit cards could pay for what their paychecks didn't cover.

My estimation is that it's becsuse everything is adjudicated in CIVIL COURT, when most cases belong in a CRIMINAL COURT. But if you have ever tried to get a WHITE COLLAR CRIME that costs us all way more in losses than physical crimes, to its proper courtroom (tbry look so similar, people forget they aren't in criminal court) but all criminal cases are turned back to the victims to PAY to investigate and be heard in the wrong court of law. This has always both pained me and puzzled me.

That's where the "illegal crimes" are turned into "unlawful adverse actions". It just sounds more civil to say it THAT way instead of the reality being more accurate to say, "illegal criminal activity". I think this litigious society does a lot of denial self-soothing with altering the words that mean the same things around Even if you agree to a demotion to devalue you, by that point, no different than in a romantic relationship, once you become less than negative zero, you are as good as gone. 

Words matter in court. But we can't use the real words, like "LIE", we have to say "pretense" instead. It's more "civil".And, who doesn't want to be civil when you've been gaslit at work newly to the point you prefer to jump off s high cliff and enjoy the ride down instead of trying to go back?

I have now been through these cycles of abuse many times and I actually did win an internal HR battles years ago as a young person in my 30's and again in my 40's, twice. But if you see signs that you are inside of a Cult, you very likely are and they will really never let you go, if they are a Narcissistic company like mine was. Didn't want me to stay but wouldn't let me go. And they really liked me, so they said. I was just "so smart" and I was "so good at tbe work," they just couldn't stand the fact that I  kept copies notes and it made them nervous, so they,'d say, "You should stop that," or "you're making it harder on yourself." No, YOU MADE IT harder on me or I wouldn't have to document so much unlawful activity!"

The paranoia of a criminal can drive a person insane. And that is thr whole point and goal, right?

The latest Discard phase was a whole different ballgame. When the hierarchy is Authoriatarian and the employees are objects, the younger are the only group who refuse to stand up. I get it, especially if you are young AND new on the jib. But why won't anyone report to authorities when that is their only reason for existence? 

The few ruin it for the majority every time. And majority rules, so how dies thst work for anyone?And corporations have Teams of HR managers and lawyers and HR managers ARE lawyers, or if everyone in the company seems to be a function of HR, that's because they ARE!

I've seen my fair share of insecure, young and naive workers get lovebombed in training and then crucified on the job, especially when they work harder, show up and are good at what they do naturally. Sometimes that's just not the traits the giant entities in Corporate America want. Ever wondered why?

Thw younger are so intent on impressing and making friends at work, they don't even see what is happening right before their eyes to others, they look away and deny anyone is being harmed. 

The only real power is the Power in Numbers. Every voice counts and every person matters, that is true. 

But of your answer is different from what you would do if you were not afraid than what you are actually doing, it may be time to reassess your thinking. I know I am!

We don't want to win the civil battle and end up a corpse either. Then what would be ther point of that?

We are all somebody special. I am nobody until you get to know how uniquely gifted and challenged I am in my 50's. 

It's like I was reversed and was so much stronger when I was younger, or just felt stronger becsuse i hadn't needed to be strong yet, so i tgiught i was alreadt?

Now the gaslighting has warped my brain, perhaps? All that reversing ti the opposite to get some higher % of the truth?

Maybe it's permanent, who knows. Brain damages from being gaslit by all tbe people at the top of the company will do that to anybody and nobody's too. I know I never thought I'd be in a battle that could cost me everything, i earned and achieved my entire impeccable past business life and my whole future over one fake write up to do just that. 

That is why we have rights. But only if they are enforced in a civil and not a criminal court, but then how it is really any justice at all? 




Having listened to and watched literally hundreds of his videos, this one from 10 mos ago had me reeling and wanting more at the same time.

You might believe you can "heal" without knowing any details you prefer to forget and ignore, but, from the experts to you, it IS important to understand what we are dealing with, if we expect to manage and be our own best advocate at all.

Dr Sam Vaknin, Prof of Psychology (6/3/24 TODAY, this from 10 months ago)


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