This is Begin Again 7.0

Published on 31 May 2024 at 16:58

....until we STAND UP & SPEAK OUT for ourselves & each other!

It's unbelievable what one nOBoDy is capable of doing! We only feel like we are nOBoDy....we are, in fact a very necessary part of this big bad world that needs each and every one of us to keep going 'round at all!



We all have stories to tell where we have dealt with, and even overcome, Narcissism in life, love, business, the workplace, our government, and within our own family.

Moving to a less victimhood view of ourselves and others is enormously helpful to gain wisdom instead of judgment as we grow out of Shared Fantasies that we must take part for them to turn addictive in cycle, into a place of empowerment by opening up limitless options we might have never knew we had.

The question isn't if or when to get out of any abusive or toxic relationship or situation, but it is HOW?

A very wise West Point graduate told our team a long time ago, "People only don't do things for 2 reasons, they either can't or they don't want to."

I want to add, "or they don't know HOW."

We will share real information for HOW, for issues such as regaining footing as a newly single person to rebuild personal and business credit, battling a Narcissist in court, or whether it be a landlord or if you are a tenant in a situation with your landlord.

Or if you work in an authoritarian toxic workplace and you want to get some ideas in your options. Or maybe you are a business owner who is too nice and your employees are walking all over you. 

Lordy, do I have some stories to share! My stories will come out along the way, as I truly hope to help empower each other, since living in an ever-more-narcissistic society, we need new skills to navigate our lives.

As a warning, no topic is off-limits. We can't ignore the landmines we are walking through while pretending the landmines don't exist.

This blog will not be an echo-chamber, or a place to get advice on how to STAY in a toxic situation, but it will be a safe place to speak on any subject.....yes, including government, but not necessarily politics to start WWIII we've come so close to already far too many times in the past decade or so, but if discussions lead to politics, we will delve into it from a place of representative debate, not from a tribal stance of one is 100% right, and the other 100% wrong.

Just as we are neither all good or all evil, we will acknowledge we are both and not all either one, but desire to shed the bad and flourish with more good than bad.

And I have no idea what I'm doing either. I only knew I had to do SOMETHING and not Nothing to stay a nOBoDy, as that keeps us feeling powerless.

Merely feeling powerless can beget powerlessness (that looks wrong?) Just as power begets power, so does power work in reverse to beget powerlessness (still looks wrong?).

We don't know what we don't know yet, and in reverse, especially we in Narville, we certainly can't UN-KNOW what we now know.

"Can't" isn't a word that ever did anything, we agree on that. I won't say who first said that to me....well, maybe at some point.

We have more in common than differences and if we didn't know from where we came or what we've each endured and overcome, we would be accepting of what path we took to get here to tell about it at all.

My wish is to navigate better, have better aim, make a plan, or a better plan, or a new plan, by being more open minded and being more forgiving to accept others and their own road traveled too.

I accept anyone (who isn't a proven criminal or being nefarious in nature or agenda) as they come, as my late husband showed me how by example, as Jesus did first.

I am Christian by Faith, but have no interest in converting anyone from their Faith or if they don't yet have any at all. I'm not what I would call, "Religious" nor am I merely Spiritual after all God made sure I endured, so I am a Christian and I want to relay that that is what guides me daily. 

The phases of Narcissistic Abuse are the same every time, with every Narcissist, no matter where they or we were raised or where we are now. But each situation is unique.  It's not a competition for who had the worst experience, as much as it should be about HOW the hurdles were overcome to inform and educate each other.

Welcome to being one nOBoDy who can stand up and speak out for ourselves and for others knowing (I'll prove it to you if you are skeptical, as you should be) HOW it only takes ONE nOBoDy to make a difference.

And more than one, as few as TWO nOBoDy's, with more knowledge and a plan to stand up, will inspire others to do the same. Then it isn't merely "2" nOBoDy's...but it compounds like interest, growing in multiplicity!

This is how one little nOBoDy, like me, can do something with actions, instead of mere words in their plan, impact their own and others' lives to flourish beyond our wildest imagination!

Be on the look out for my audio Podcast with the same name on your favorite audio podcast outlet. Thank you for reading and listening soon too!













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